Política de envío
All products at wallme.shop are handcrafted and made-to-order. We strive to ship your order within 5, max 14 days of purchase. During peak seasons, such as holidays, there may be an increase in order volume, and we will do our best to ship as quickly as possible. Once your order is ready for shipment, you will receive a confirmation email with tracking information via DHL, USPS, UPS, or FedEx.
Shipping typically takes 1-5 business days within Germany. For international orders or orders outside of Germany, please note that additional shipping time may apply. If you need your order sooner, we offer expedited shipping options for an additional fee.
Please double-check that your shipping address is accurate. If the package cannot be delivered due to an incorrect address, you will be responsible for any additional shipping charges to resend the package.
For any questions or additional information, please reach out to our support team at wallme.shop.team@gmail.com.
Thank you for supporting our handcrafted creations!